We’ve Adopted A Koala!

Seeing as our entire nation seems to be on fire in these terrible bushfires, we have decided to do our small bit to assist in any way we can.

We donated our entire weekend income a few weeks ago to the Victorian Bushfire Appeal but we have also decided to pay a monthly contribution to the WWF Koala appeal. You can find out more info here.

Some spiel from the site:

The koala is one of the world’s most iconic animal species – right up there with the panda, tiger, elephant, dolphin, and polar bear. And they’re found nowhere else in the world but Australia!

Our much loved koalas, with their stout, tailless body, large head with round, fluffy ears and large, spoon-shaped nose, are instantly recognisable as a symbol of Australia. Koalas are an integral part of the Australian bush – perched high up in the branches of gum trees sleeping for up to 20 hours a day

A common mistake is calling them a ‘koala bear,’ they’re marsupials not bears. Find out more interesting facts about koalas.

Sadly, being iconic and symbolic is not enough to save the koala from the threat of extinction. In the 1920’s, hundreds of thousands of koalas were shot for the fur trade and now koalas are contending with the consequences of ongoing excessive tree-clearing for agricultural and urban development in Queensland and New South Wales.

But there is much we can do to save the koala and the many other species that inhabit the Australian bush.

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