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Murders In The Rue Morgue
Murders In The Rue Morgue Vol 1 – Order Now!
by Rue Morgue Records onThe dream has always been to take Rue Morgue Records the label to the next level. From day one my mind's eye was burning with the idea that someone really needed to bring the classic compilation album back in vogue! That someone was me! Back in the 80's the Metal compilation album is what brought [...] Continue Reading -
One Step Closer – Murders In The Rue Morgue Volume 1
by Rue Morgue Records onAs has been discussed previously, Murders In The Rue Morgue Volume 1 will be an annual compilation album featuring the artists that release a single with Rue Morgue Records throughout the year. The initial concept was to feature the song of each artist that was on their respective singles, but we’ve had a change of […]
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Murders In The Rue Morgue Volume 1
by Rue Morgue Records onRun before the killers go free Murders In The Rue Morgue will be an annual compilation 12” album featuring selected cuts from the Rue Morgue Records roster. Volume 1 is scheduled for a December 2019 release with 1,000 copies pressed in a limited edition blood-red vinyl. In the tradition of the classic 80’s compilation albums […]
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