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Golden Robot Records
Cicadastone Discuss Their Involvement With Murders In The Rue Morgue Vol II
by Rue Morgue Records onBy David Griffiths One of the most ambitious projects of last year was the Murders In The Rue Morgue Vol 1 album, and the great news is it was so successful that Rue Morgue now has Vol 2 well and truly on the way. Once again the album is going to be full of some [...] Continue Reading -
The Vendettas Talk Murders In The Rue Morgue Vol I
by David Griffiths onAt times over the years it has felt like the compilation album is dead and buried. I still remember those days of buying the latest music magazine and then having to get past that sticky stuff (what the hell was that?) to get my prized sampler of new music off the front of the cover. [...] Continue Reading -
An Interview With Silverthorne
by Rue Morgue Records onWhen it comes to music Brian Tichy has drummed for Ozzy Osbourne, Slash, Whitesnake, Billy Idol, Foreigner and The Dead Daisies just to name a few. Now he has teamed up with Pete Shoulder from The Union and Winterville to form a new rock band called Silverthorne. With Silverthorne now releasing their debut EP – […]
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A Rue Morgue Records Success Story… The Vendettas
by Rue Morgue Records onAs Rue Morgue Records is about to turn one year old in a few days, I look back at the year that has past and simply marvel at just how far we have come. Although the label side of the business is only 8 months old, we have made some inroads into the independent industry […]
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Rue Morgue Records To Release New Palace Of The King Single
by Rue Morgue Records onYes the rumours are true. Rue Morgue Records will be releasing an exclusive boutique seven inch single of one of Australia’s finest bands… Palace Of The King. The track ‘Get Right With Your Maker’ backed with ‘One Of These Days’ will be available for sale via the Rue Morgue Records website AND the Golden Robot […]
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