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Coloursound Recording Studio
An Interview With Karly Jewell
by David Griffiths onAfter a year of pandemic lockdown Melbourne artist Karly Jewell is brushing off the musical cobwebs and jumping headfirst into 2021. Not only has Jewell been able to announce that her latest track ‘Dancing With The Devil’ is set to appear on the new Murder In The Rue Morgue Vol II compilation but she has [...] Continue Reading -
An Interview With Mat Robbins Of Coloursound Studios
by David Griffiths onYou wouldn’t know it if you walked past but nestled away behind some shops in Pier Street Altona sits one of the Melbourne’s most exciting recording studios. Owned and operated by Melbourne musician Mat Robins Coloursound Recording Studio is already beginning to carve out a history for itself in the Melbourne music scene as bands […]
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