We may not even be through January yet but 2019 is shaping up to be a huge year for Western Australian musician Dan Brittain. A few months ago he became the first artist to sign with Australia’s latest record label Rue Morgue Records but then his debut release Celestial Seasons ended up selling out of its limited edition run. Now Brittain tells Dave Griffiths that he has already worked on some new material and will hopefully have something new for us very soon.
“I’m certainly open to putting out some additional copies,” says Brittain as we talk about Celestial Seasons. “We have organised for ten limited edition copies of a clear vinyl rather than the standard black so we will probably be giving them away in various competitions online, but I’m not sure about giving it another run because I think keeping it short and sweet is right for an artist like me because I have a very humble following to this stage.”
“I actually do have a full album worth of material to released in the coming months,” explains Brittain as talk turns to what his fans can expect for 2019. “That is something that we are looking at but I’m not sure if it will be a 12” LP or 10” EP we will have to figure something out in that regard and then I’m also looking at performing some shows over on the East Coast if it warrants that before the end of the year… but that is something that we would love to do.”
To hear the complete interview, listen via the link below:
Listen to “DAN BRITTAIN Interview” on Spreaker.